Share information

Share capital

There are 43,039,938 Ordinary A Shares of Van Lanschot Kempen N.V. in issue. More than 99.9% of these Ordinary A Shares are held by Stichting Administratiekantoor van gewone aandelen A Van Lanschot (the “Trust”), which has issued depositary receipts for these shares. The depositary receipts are listed on the Euronext Amsterdam Stock Market. The Trust allows holders of depositary receipts to exercise their voting rights at all times.



Pursuant to Chapter 5.3 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act, the following disclosures have been entered in the Register of Substantial Holdings as maintained by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets. The percentages reflect the number of shares on the register on the dates listed and the current number of shares.

Shareholder Date of notification Holding
Stichting Administratiekantoor van gewone aandelen A Van Lanschot 24/05/2013 97.30%


Holder of depositary receipts Date of notification Holding
Romij BV 31/03/2022 10.05%
LDDM Holding BV 03/06/2014 9.76%
Janus Henderson Group Plc 17/10/2016 5.60%
FMR LLC 07/07/2016 4.99%
MVDP N.V. 05/04/2023 3.90%
J.B. Meulman 15/09/2021 3.02%

Disclosure is required once a shareholder’s interest reaches, exceeds or falls below a threshold value. The current interest of a shareholder or holder of depositary receipts may consequently differ from the interest reported on the disclosure date. On 31 December 2016, Stichting Administratiekantoor van gewone aandelen A Van Lanschot held over 99.99% of the shares.


Van Lanschot Kempen aims to pay out dividend to holders of its depositary receipts for Class A ordinary shares amounting to between 50% and 70% of its underlying net profit attributable to shareholders.

Payment 2022 dividend 

At the general meeting of 25 May 2023, the proposal to pay a cash dividend of €1.75 per ordinary A share was approved.

The relevant dates are as follows:

  • Ex dividend date: 29 May 2023
  • Record date: 30 May 2023
  • Payment date: 6 June 2023

Holders of depositary receipts for ordinary shares will receive this dividend in cash, subject to Dutch dividend withholding tax of 15%. Tax will be withheld by Euroclear Nederland-affiliated institutions that have registered the relevant depositary receipts after closing on the record date. The paying agent is Amsterdam-based Van Lanschot Kempen NV.

Analyst coverage

These sell-side analysts cover the Van Lanschot Kempen share.


Cor Kluis
+31 (0)20 383 77 28


Jason Kalamboussis
+32 (0) 2 557 1695

Kepler Cheuvreux

Benoit Pétrarque
+31 (0)20 563 23 82

Share buy-back programmes

Van Lanschot Kempen carries out share buy-back programmes. The purpose of the share buy-back programmes is to cover the allocation of depositary receipts to employees under the existing remuneration policy and employee share plan.

Read more

Information for holders of depositary receipts

The ordinary A shares of Van Lanschot Kempen NV are held by the foundation Stichting Administratiekantoor van gewone aandelen A ('Stichting Administratiekantoor'), which has issued depositary receipts for those shares. The depositary receipts are listed on the Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange.
In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code, for each General Meeting, the Stichting grants proxy votes to holders of depositary receipts who attend the meeting in person or are represented by third parties, enabling these depositary receipt holders to vote at their own discretion for the number of Class A ordinary shares held by them at record date.

Information about shareholders' meetings

Notifications and publications Stichting Administratiekantoor

Articles of Association and trust conditions Stichting Administratiekantoor