
Van Lanschot Kempen is in continuous dialogue with its stakeholders. Part of this dialogue is our annual stakeholder event. You can read the summaries of the events below. Other examples of our interaction with our stakeholders are client meetings, client surveys, discussions with shareholders, working meetings, discussions with auditors and consultations with regulators such as DNB and AFM.

The dialogue with our stakeholders is a key driver of our sustainability policy, as we can only truly take into account our stakeholders’ interests if we know what those interests are and what our stakeholders expect from us.

Our dialogue with stakeholders is also incorporated in our strategy and the Bankers’ Promise, which all Van Lanschot Kempen employees sign since the beginning of 2015.

Stakeholder events

2022: long-term transition thinking

The twelfth stakeholder dialogue took place on 24 November 2022. Clients, employees, shareholders, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders met at our Amsterdam office. The conversation built on the transition thinking we discussed in our stakeholder dialogue in 2021. How can we navigate through the major transitions of this decade, such as the energy and food transition?

2021: looking ahead to 2030

For our eleventh annual stakeholder event, we met virtually with customers, employees, civil society organisations and other stakeholders. The dialogue was all about looking ahead to 2030.


2020: climate

In 2020, the theme of the stakeholder meeting was 'Climate'. Given the circumstances related to the coronavirus, this was an online session as well. You can view the recording here.

Materiality matrix

In order to assess which topics are material to our stakeholders, we conduct a survey every two years. The results are presented in a materiality matrix. This shows that, of the total of twenty relevant topics, ten are identified as material and are also of significant importance to Van Lanschot Kempen. We provide additional information on these ten most material topics in our reports.

We have also defined financial and non-financial targets in the form of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for these ten topics. These KPIs, which are in addition to the regular information on all twenty topics, ensure that the sustainability policy is firmly embedded and make the progress and results on sustainability goals measurable.

Click to enlarge

Materiality matrix Van Lanschot Kempen


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