
With transparent communication, we give (potential) shareholders and bondholders, rating agencies and research analysts an overview of our activities.

Rating agencies, research analysts, (would-be) shareholders and bondholders receive comprehensive, transparent and timely information about Van Lanschot’s strategy, activities and financial position. They keep up with the latest developments through our press releases, live webcasts and all other communications on this website.

We engage in one-on-one and group meetings with institutional investors, typically at investor conferences and during roadshows after the release of our half-year or full-year figures.

Read more about our investor relations policy

If you have any questions or would like more information, e.g. about a one-on-one meeting or conference call, please contact our Investor Relations Manager.

Annual Report 2022

The report offers shareholders and other stakeholders a comprehensive view of Van Lanschot Kempen’s performance in 2022 and added value as an independent, specialised wealth manager.

Read the Annual Report 2022

Key figures, annual reports, presentations and webcasts.

Van Lanschot Kempen investor presentations.

Fitch and Standard & Poor's credit ratings.

Information about our issuance programmes, issued loans and securitisations.

About Van Lanschot Kempen’s share capital, major shareholders, dividend policy, and the analysts covering the share.

The agenda, presentations, minutes and additional information of the (Extraordinary) General Meetings of Shareholders.

Please find our annual reports since 2013.

The financial statements of Van Lanschot Kempen Wealth Management NV, a former subsidiary of Van Lanschot Kempen NV.

Financial calendar

Publication of 2023 half-year results

You will find the publications in the Financial results section.

Publication of 2023 third-quarter trading update

You will find the publications in the Financial results section.

More events