Procurement policy

We also factor in sustainability when selecting our suppliers.


Since 2009, all purchasing processes above €10,000 in which the group-wide Purchasing, Contract Management & Facilities Service Centre is involved, have been subject to specific sustainability monitoring.

In 2015 we incorporated our responsible purchasing policy within a broader framework, the business partner due diligence (BPDD) policy, which applies to all our divisions. The BPDD policy ensures that we only work with business partners which meet our integrity and CSR standards. It is used to analyse and manage risks prior to and during collaboration. A supplier’s statement enables us to identify the stability, country, industry, integrity, reputation and other risks associated with a business partner. We do not enter into relationships with business partners that fail to satisfy the BPDD policy.

In 2017, we have embarked on the further development of the parameters and criteria on the basis of which suppliers are assessed. For reasons of consistency, we have been using (parts of) the risk filter of our CSR lending policy for this purpose. This approach has created a more detailed picture, especially of potentially negative issues in the supply chain of our suppliers.

In 2018, we set up a supplier portal to automate parts of our BPDD process, and in 2019 this was implemented for most suppliers. In addition to this we also extended our procurement training for Van Lanschot Kempen employees. The internal “Procurement 4 non Procurement” training, which is aimed especially at employees who are regularly involved in procurement, was extended with an additional e-learning training module.

In 2022, we worked on an enhanced approach to sustainable procurement. Our approach is aligned with the EU sustainability regulations and as part of this we have introduced company-wide sustainable procurement principles. These principles, which are set out below, apply to all goods and services procured by Van Lanschot Kempen, and form the basis of how we collaborate on sustainable development with our business partners.


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