Van Gogh Museum

The Van Gogh Museum inspires a large audience with the life and work of Vincent van Gogh and his time. We have been working with the museum since 2015 and have entered into a new three-year partnership in 2023. In it, for example, we help realize the digital programming around the wonderful exhibitions. Among other things, we offer our clients special tours, workshops and special evenings at the museum.

Learn more about Van Gogh

As collectors and as facilitators of initiatives by both artists and museums, we feel an affinity with the Van Gogh Museum and the impressive way it meets the needs of an international public to encounter and get to know the man and his art.

Van Gogh Museum

New entrance

The beginning of the collaboration between Van Lanschot Kempen and the Van Gogh Museum became visible to every visitor in 2015 with the sponsorship of the museum's new entrance.

Photos: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Stichting)