Rankings and ratings

Several external parties have reviewed and rated Van Lanschot Kempen on its sustainability policies and reporting. Their ratings are available on this page.


ESG Rating Agency    Most recent rating Previous rating
MSCI logo Agency that measures company’s resilience to long-term, industry material sustainability risks AA (2022) AA On resilience to ESG risks (2021)
ISS ESG logo Research agency that assesses companies on sustainability B- rating (2022)

C+ rating (2021)
Carbon Disclosure Project logo Organisation that assesses companies on climate policies and results C rating (2021) F rating 
(due to van Lanschot Kempen not responding) (2020)
Sustainalytics logo Research agency that assesses companies on sustainability 1st place in sector mid-sized diversified financials (2021) 1st place in sector mid-sized diversified financials (2020)
Transparantiebenchmark logo Instrument of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate that assesses Dutch companies on transparency in the field of sustainability 8th place out of 486 companies (2021) 10th place out of 487 companies (2019)*
ISS Quality Score Solution that scores company’s governance practices** Governance: 2 (May 2023) 
Board Structure: 1
Compensation: 4
Shareholder Rights: 6
Audit/Risk: 5
Governance: 1 
Board Structure: 1
Compensation: 4
Shareholder Rights: 6
Audit/Risk: 5
(All: 2022)
Vigeo Eiris logo Research agency Vigeo Eiris assesses companies on sustainability 4sth place in sector out of 97 companies with 62 points (2021) 3rd place in sector out of 98 companies with 60 points (2020)
PRI logo Organisation that assesses the integration of ESG in the investment process of financial 4 and 5 stars (out of 5) for responsible investment process (2022) A and A+ score
For Kempen's responsible investment policy and process (2021)
VBDO Transparency benchmark 2022 Benchmark that assesses the tax policy of multinationals 21st place out of 78 companies (with 24/40 points) (2022) 18th place out of 77 companies (with 26/35 points) (2021)
SandP Global Agency that provides an assessment of a company's ESG strategy and ability to prepare for potential future risks and opportunities ESG score 48/100 (2022) 50/100 (2021)
FTSE Russell FTSE Russell ESG is a quantitative data model developed for measuring the exposure and performance of corporate operations in relation to environmental, social and governance business risks 4 (out of 5), with a percentile rank of 75 for others within the same FTSE Industry Classification Benchmark Supersector (2021) -

* Ranking in 2019; the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy commissions this study into the transparency of CSR reporting among the approximately 500 largest companies every two years.

** QualityScore uses a numeric, decile-based score that indicates a company’s governance risk relative to their index or region. A score in the 1st decile (QS:1) indicates relatively higher quality governance practices and relatively lower governance risk, and, conversely, a score in the 10th decile (QS:10) indicates relatively higher governance risk. Companies receive an overall QualityScore and a score for each of four pillars: Board Structure, Compensation/ Remuneration, Shareholder Rights, and Audit & Risk Oversight.

Fair Bank Guide

The Fair Bank Guide is an initiative of civil organisations that assesses the Dutch financial sector based on sustainability themes.

Our perspective on the Fair Bank Guide

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