
Working within the appropriate frameworks, Van Lanschot Kempen maintains contacts with regulators, including DNB and AFM, and with rating agencies. It is also a member of trade associations looking after the general interests of financial institutions and asset managers – e.g. DUFAS. We have no lobbying offices or representatives in The Hague or Brussels. We do not provide donations to support political parties or campaigns.

Van Lanschot Kempen is a member of:

  • The Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS)
  • Eumedion - Dutch Corporate Governance Forum
  • Focusing Capital on the Long Term Global (FCLTGlobal)
  • The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
  • The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • The UN Global Compact
  • The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)
  • Climate Action 100+
  • Platform for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF)
  • Global Impact Investor Network (GIIN)
  • FAIRR Initiative
  • International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)
  • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative
  • DNB Platform voor Duurzame Financiering

Van Lanschot Kempen complies with:

  • The Dutch Corporate Governance Code and Stewardship Code
  • UK Stewardship code
  • The Wolfsberg Anti Money Laundering Principles
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • The ILO Principles
  • OECD Guidelines
  • UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
  • Dutch Klimaatakkoord

Van Lanschot Kempen is partner of:

  • Business Transfer Academy (Academie voor Bedrijfsoverdracht)
  • JINC – giving youngsters a flavour of the job market and professional skills
  • Scholenstrijd – investment competition for secondary school economics students
  • Humanitas thuisadministratie  helps people to organize their money affairs and administration 
  • Stichting LEF – teaches young people how to handle money responsibly
  • De Olympische Sportweek – stimulates children to do sports
  • Topsport Community
  • Nyenrode Business Universiteit (chair of family businesses and ownership dynamics)
  • EY Entrepeneur of the Year award
  • Groei en Bloei in Bedrijf
  • The Veerstichting

Van Lanschot Kempen is sponsor of:

  • The Van Gogh Museum
  • The Royal Concertgebouw
  • Museum Beelden aan Zee
  • The Noordbrabants Museum
  • The Mauritshuis
  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
  • The Kröller-Müller Museum
  • Dutch National Monuments Organisation 
  • Museum Voorlinden
  • The Grachtenfestival
  • Female golfer Anne van Dam
  • Female sailer Marit Bouwmeester
  • Stukje Natuur

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