Van Lanschot Kempen promoted to AMX index and included in AEX ESG index

Published: 19.30 CET

Van Lanschot Kempen will enter the Euronext AMX index and the AEX ESG index as of 17 March 2023 COB.

Jeroen Kroes, Chief Financial Officer Van Lanschot Kempen: “The inclusion in both the Midkap index and the AEX ESG index underlines the growth achieved by Van Lanschot Kempen in recent years and our sustainable profile. This will further strengthen our visibility towards investors and is expected to increase liquidity in our stock. At the same time our focus remains unchanged: providing unique, personalised services to our clients. Strategically, we remain focused on sustainable profitable growth, both organically and through acquisitions, with a capital-light balance sheet.”

The composition of the Midkap index is reviewed annually in March by Euronext Amsterdam on the basis of certain criteria, including free float market capitalisation. As of the end of February 2023, Van Lanschot Kempen's total market capitalisation was €1.1 billion.

In addition, Van Lanschot Kempen will be added to the AEX ESG index, which identifies the 25 companies that rank highest on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria among the 50 constituents of the AEX® and AMX® indices. The ESG assessment of companies is provided by Morningstar Sustainalytics, a global provider of ESG research, ratings, and data.

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Van Lanschot Kempen promoted to AMX index and included in AEX ESG index (pdf)