Van Lanschot Kempen releases Annual Report 2022

Published: 8.30 CET

Van Lanschot Kempen today publishes its Annual Report 2022. The report offers shareholders and other stakeholders a comprehensive view of Van Lanschot Kempen’s performance in 2022 and added value as an independent, specialist wealth manager.

The full annual report – consisting of the directors’ report, the annual accounts, the remuneration report and other appendices – can be downloaded from the Financial results page.

Additional information

For additional information, visit the Financial section.

Financial calendar

4 May 2023 - Publication of 2023 first-quarter trading update
25 May 2023 - Annual General Meeting
29 May 2023 - Ex-dividend date
6 June 2023 2022 - dividend payment date
24 August 2023 - Publication of 2023 half-year results
2 November 2023 -Publication of 2023 third-quarter trading update

More information

Media Relations: + 31 20 354 45 85;
Investor Relations: +31 20 354 45 90;

Download press release

Van Lanschot Kempen releases Annual Report 2022 (pdf)