BPFL renews contract for fiduciary services by Van Lanschot Kempen

The Dutch pension fund for the food sector (Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor het Levensmiddelenbedrijf, BPFL) has reappointed Van Lanschot Kempen as fiduciary manager. In the past year, the pension fund, assisted by KPMG Advisory, carried out a comprehensive and thorough selection process for a fiduciary manager. Based on its findings, the pension fund came to the conclusion that Van Lanschot Kempen offers the best fit with its ambitions and criteria.

Careful outsourcing of asset management activities requires a periodic assessment of the fiduciary manager. The quality of service as well as sufficient independence from the fiduciary manager with respect to investment solutions are of course important criteria. But equally important are the significant challenges that BPFL faces in the years ahead, including a careful transition to the new pension system and further improvement of the ESG-characteristics of the investment portfolio. BPFL believes that Van Lanschot Kempen is the right partner to help it face these challenges.

Rik Grutters, Chairman of BPFL: “After a thorough market review and a careful selection process, we have again selected Van Lanschot Kempen. We are confident that Van Lanschot Kempen will provide us with the best possible support in the challenging years that lie ahead of us. And we look forward to continuing our lengthy and strong partnership with Van Lanschot Kempen.”

Marco van Rijn, Member of the Fiduciary Management Leadership team at Van Lanschot Kempen: “We are very pleased that BPFL has decided to continue our relationship, which goes back many years, and thereby reasserts its trust in Van Lanschot Kempen. BPFL can continue to count on our strong commitment. We look forward to making the transition to the new pension system together.”

About BPFL

Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Levensmiddelen (BPFL) is the pension fund for the food sector. The mission of this fund is to ensure a proper, sustainable and cost efficient administration of the pension scheme that has been agreed by the employers and unions in the food sector, taking into account the fund’s own responsibilities.

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